Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

The last Week has started!

Today is Wednesday and exactly in one week at the same time i am already in a plane on my way to Germany! Sometimes i think about why I did that, why did i come here? Because actually an exchange is a stupid idea, you come here alone and you will find friends and a family and in the end you have to leave them? So actually the whole thing will make you sad at the end. So i seriously wondered the last few days if it was really worth everything, of course i had a wonderful time, honestly the best time of my life but is that worth the feeling i have right now, this feeling to leave everybody? I am really sad, but when i think more about it it becomes pretty clear, coming here was the best decision i ever made, alone the experience i got here is worth everything. And i found friends i will keep in contact my whole life. Even the next week and especially next Wednesday will probably be very hard it is still worth it! I would always do that again and I can advise everybody to apply to an exchange program! Like many exchange student say, It is not only a year in your life, it is your life in a year!
I will post soon and probably every day this week! Love y'all ♥

Achja und ich bin gerade dabei die Playlist ein wenig zu bearbeiten ich werde ein paar Lieder einfügen die sich um Abschiede handeln um das ganze ein wenig tragischer zu machen, hahaha :D
Zu dem Lied called graduation Song, hab ich so lange angehört und nur geweint weil es so passte, dann hab ich es meiner Gastschwester und meinem besten Freund gezeigt die dann einfach nur mit mir geweint haben... (okay my German is so bad I will keep writing in English! )